Embed Sample Data in Your Code
One of my favorite tricks for data-driven apps is to include sample data during development. This sample data is invaluable for various purposes such as designing UIs, conducting demos, or running tests.
For this reason, I recommend integrating test data into the solution for debug releases. While not suitable for release builds, it proves highly beneficial during debug mode.
Getting Started
First, obtain a sample dataset. For instance, you can use the Titanic dataset available here.
Next, add the CSV file to your file structure. Your Solution Explorer should resemble the following:
Particularly important, don’t forget to change the property Build Action
to Embedded resource
. Otherwise, this is not working.
Create a class to represent TitanicPassengers
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace Common.Models;
public class TitanicPassenger
public int PassengerId { get; set; }
public bool Survived { get; set; }
public int Pclass { get; set; }
public string Sex { get; set; }
public float Age { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int SibSp { get; set; }
public int Parch { get; set; }
public string Ticket { get; set; }
public float Fare { get; set; }
public string Cabin { get; set; }
public char Embarked { get; set; }
Use the following code to read data from the embedded file:
using Common;
using Common.Models;
using System.Reflection;
namespace DataWebApp.Models;
public class TitanicPassengersSeed
// Load CSV file into a List of TitanicPassenger
public static List<TitanicPassenger> LoadPassengers()
// Get the file from embedded resources
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string resourceName = "Common.SampleData.TitanicPassengers.csv";
Stream? stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
if (stream == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot find TitanicPassengers.csv");
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
string[] lines = reader.ReadToEnd().Split('\n');
List<TitanicPassenger> passengers = new();
// Read file and create TitanicPassenger objects
foreach (var line in lines.Skip(1))
// The Names of the passengers have commas
// so we need to replace ", " with "__ " to avoid splitting the name
string lineHelper = line.Replace(", ", "__ ");
string[] columns = lineHelper.Split(',');
TitanicPassenger passenger = new()
Survived = columns[1] == "1",
Pclass = int.Parse(columns[2]),
Name = columns[3].Replace("__ ", ", ").Replace("\"", ""),
Sex = columns[4],
Age = float.Parse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(columns[5]) ? "0" : columns[5]),
SibSp = int.Parse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(columns[6]) ? "0" : columns[6]),
Parch = int.Parse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(columns[7]) ? "0" : columns[7]),
Ticket = columns[8],
Fare = float.Parse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(columns[9]) ? "0" : columns[9]),
Cabin = columns[10],
Embarked = columns[11][0]
return passengers;
// Seed the database with the List of TitanicPassenger
public static void SeedPassengers(MyCopilotDbContext context)
if (context.TitanicPassengers.Any())
return; // DB has been seeded
List<TitanicPassenger> passengers = LoadPassengers();
With this approach, you can easily load seed data into your database for testing purposes.
Happy coding!
About the Author / Oliver Scheer
Meet Oliver, a Principal Software Engineer at Medialesson, boasting over 25 years of software development expertise across real and challenging customer projects. With 17 years of experience at Microsoft as both an Evangelist and Software Engineer, Oliver's focus lies in .NET, DevOps, Developer Experiences, and Cloud technologies. For more about Oliver, visit his website or LinkedIn profile.