Export GitHub Pull Requests
Export Old Pull Requests from GitHub
For various (perhaps less than rational) reasons, I find myself needing to document my past work using Pull Requests. Since this is more about quantity than quality, I sought to automate the task. To simplify the process, I crafted a concise bash script that achieves precisely that, generating Markdown files.
set -e
# Max number of PRs
# Check Output Folder
if [[ -z "${OUTPUT_FOLDER}" ]]; then
# Set to default
# else
# Folder is set
gh pr list --json number --state closed --jq '.[].number' -L $LIMIT > $PR_LIST_FILE
lines=$(cat $PR_LIST_FILE)
for PR_NUMBER in $lines
# Export PR into md file
echo "Current PR: $PR_NUMBER "
echo "Filename: $FILE_NAME"
gh pr view $PR_NUMBER --json number,title,body,reviews,assignees,author,commits \
--template '{{printf "# %v" .number}} {{.title}}
Author: {{.author.name}} - {{.author.login}}
## Commits
{{range .commits}}
- {{ .messageHeadline }} [ {{range .authors}}{{ .name }}{{end}} ]{{end}}
## Reviews
{{range .reviews}}{{ .body }}{{end}}
# ## Assignees
# {{range .assignees}}{{.login .name}}{{end}}
The code can be accessed on GitHub: oliverscheer/github-export: Export Pull Requests and contributor information from GitHub projects.
To be unequivocal, mandating developers to document their work through a set number of Pull Requests is among the least productive tasks managers can impose on their teams.
About the Author / Oliver Scheer
Meet Oliver, a Principal Software Engineer at Medialesson, boasting over 25 years of software development expertise across real and challenging customer projects. With 17 years of experience at Microsoft as both an Evangelist and Software Engineer, Oliver's focus lies in .NET, DevOps, Developer Experiences, and Cloud technologies. For more about Oliver, visit his website or LinkedIn profile.