
Cloud, DevOps, GitHub, Developer Experience & Code

  • Export GitHub Pull Requests

    Export Old Pull Requests from GitHub For various (perhaps less than rational) reasons, I find myself needing to document my past work using Pull Requests. Since this is more about quantity than quality, I sought to automate the task. To simplify the process, I crafted a concise bash script that achieves precisely that, generating Markdown files.

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  • Creating a Power BI Streaming Dataset from the command line

    Problem Statement Setting up a Power BI Streaming DataSet in the portal can be a cumbersome task prone to errors due to misspelling and incorrect casing. In a recent customer project, I encountered this challenge and developed a PowerShell script to automate and streamline the process. Automate Power BI DataSet Creation With PowerShell param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$newWorkspaceName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$user, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [SecureString]$password ) # User credentials for $credential = New-Object –TypeName System.

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  • Clone your Azure Resource Group with ARM and Bicep

    One common task for cloud engineers is setting up an environment in Azure for solution development. During the development and prototyping phases of an architecture, various manual tasks are performed to test different aspects. However, when it comes to recreating this environment in another resource group, the manual approach becomes impractical.

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  • Calling an Azure Functions Function from the command line

    Problem Statement During a recent project I developed a solution that contains Azure Functions, that are deployed through a Azure DevOps Pipeline right after the infrastructure is created with bicep. For the final test in an Azure DevOps Pipeline/GitHub Actions, I aim to execute one of the newly installed Azure Functions to validate the installed/updated solution.

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  • There is no Functions runtime available that matches the version in the project

    During a current project I came across this error, because my Azure Functions are planned to run on .net 8. There is by default the runtime for .net 7 available, but this leeds to the following error. There is no Functions runtime available that matches the version in the project.

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